Calderdale Cycling Strategy


by andy.geall79

Posted on Oct 17, 2017 at 08:49 AM

Calderdale launch Cycling Strategy October 2017.

Calderdale Council recognise the role that cycling has to play in contributing to the health, well-being and prosperity of our residents and businesses and that our countryside attracts cycling visitors from right across the country and beyond.

We know that many people ride their bikes in parts of Calderdale for leisure purposes and that some people use their bikes to get to work, but there isn’t a consistent picture across the borough.

We know that Calderdale has a number of challenges when it comes to encouraging cycling but we’ve also got some significant opportunities to not only capitalise on our beautiful countryside but to also build on the legacy of the Tour de France and Tour de Yorkshire.

This cycling strategy has been developed to complement our overarching Transport Strategy and ‘Active Calderdale’, describing how we are going to encourage everyone to include cycling as part of their everyday activities whether they are commuting to work, shopping, looking to improve their health or taking part in sport.

The strategy is specifically focused on people, the places they go to and the activities they undertake. It recognises that we have an extensive network of routes in Calderdale that aren’t on the road and looks at how we can develop a network of routes suitable for all types of users. It also recognises that irrespective of whether people are using bikes on the road, on our Greenways or off-road that they need safe routes that are easily accessed and easy to navigate.

Importantly this strategy considers that many people just don’t have access to a bike or have individual concerns in taking up cycling again. The strategy is particularly focused on helping as many people who currently don’t ride to include the bike as part of their life style choices and help keep them cycling.

We have developed this strategy with the help, enthusiasm and experience from a number of organisations and individuals. To make this strategy successful and deliver our ambitious aspirations we will need to work in partnership with others to harness their energy and ideas to develop cycling in Calderdale.

We do hope that you will help us make cycling a way of life in Calderdale. Calderdale Cycling Strategy PDF

About the Author

andy.geall79's avatar

andy.geall79 Sustainable Development Officer - Cycling Specialist at Calderdale MBC




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